Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Time at Back Bay

I will be honest here, when my parents first told me that I would be transferring from my original school to Back Bay High School because I was in danger of failing I was lets just say less then thrilled. I was absolutely dreading coming to this at the time seemingly unattractive, intimidating, and very small school. Now thought that image is completely changed for my and I am very happy to say that I would love to never have to leave this amazing school. I think the thing that most turned this place around for me is the amazing staff they have and they awesome friends I made during my time here.

Since I am already on the subject of amazingly epic teachers I feel that it is only appropriate to discuss the one teacher who inspired me the most while I have been attending this school. I can honestly say that without this amazing woman I would not be graduating in two days and that awesome person would be Ms. Christopher. This woman pushed me so hard to achieve my goals that sometimes I wanted to strangle her I was so frustrated with her, but I can honestly say that all of her pushing was well worth it.
The part that I feel I am definitely going to miss the most about this school though is probably going to be all of the great friends I made while here. When I came I was expecting this school to be really weird and the people here as well. I was pleasantly surprised to realize that a lot of the people attending this school were very similar to me. I made a lot of great friends that I hope to keep in touch with for many years to come. I am even willing to go out on a limb and say that I made friends that will last a lifetime.

My least favorite thing about Back Bay would probably be having to leave it. If I had the choice and the option was up to me I probably would never leave. I love this school more than any other school I have ever been to and that is sating a lot because I have been to a ton of schools. This school is special to me and will always have a great place in my heart.

Check folder for pics.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My Summer 2011

My plans for this summer are pretty generic. I plan on hanging out with my friends as much as possible, going to the fair basically every day it's here, taking a crazy road trip to either Mexico or Las Vegas, and of course my most ultimate goal is to go the beach at least once a week all summer. I guess none of this really seems that important when I have the rest of my life to plan out now but hey I guess you can say I'm living day to day and mostly flying by the seat of my pants this summer (well at least after all the important stuff is taken care of).

My main ultimate goal this summer is to go to the beach at least one day every week this summer and at the very bare minimum go once every two weeks. I have always loved water more than most things. Sometimes I think that I am a mermaid the way that the ocean calls to me, beckoning me to come join it if only for a moment. I haven't gone as much as I would have liked to over my lifetime so I hope to make up all that time this summer.

My second goal is to possibly go on an epic and amazing road trip to either Mexico or Vegas. I would really enjoy going to Mexico because I have family that lives there that I haven't seen in a super long time. I would really love reconnecting with that side of my family and letting get to know me all over again. My other options aren't based on family but plain and simple good times. I have always wanted to just go on a crazy road trip to Vegas ever since I was younger so what better time than the present to finally achieve the goal.

My last goal would be to go to the Orange County Fair. My family and I have always loved attending the fair every year and it has kind of become a sort of unspoken tradition between us. Whether you are a connoisseur of crazy foods or you just love to go on rides and attend different events  the fair has a little bit of something for everyone. I feel that it is a major part of my childhood that I will never forget. I plan on continuing this tradition as long as the fair is around and open for business.

I don't know if my summer will turn out exactly how I want it to or not, but all I do know is that I am planning on making the most of this summer. I hope to make this summer one that I will hopefully remember for many years to come.

Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief

In the movie Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief Logan Lerman who played Percy Jackson the son of Poseidon gave an outstanding performance.

 In this movie his acting was so incredible that it blew me away. Other actors include Brandon T. Jackson who played the role of Grover the Satyr.

 In the movie Grover played the role of Percy's protector. He had to swear an oath to protect Percy no matter what happened, even if it meant risking his own life in the process. Another all star actor in this move is Alexandra Daddario who played Annabeth daughter of Athena.

Annabeth is a crazy good fight who goes on this crazy journey with Grover and Percy in order to save his mother from Hades and return the lightning bolt to Zeus before the gods break out into a war that could destroy the entire world. I love this movie and the crazy journey it takes you on. It makes you really feel that the fate of the world is on your hands and that you must do everything in your power to save it. This movie uses so many good details and such amazing character analyzations that you really start to feel connected to the characters and don't want anything bad to happen to them. I feel it had a well told story line that wasn't to complicated to follow but also was so simple that I got bored with it after ten minutes. This is a movie that I would recommend to someone of any age as a thrilling story about mythology, destiny and of course truth and doing what is best.

Color Self Portrait

Monday, June 6, 2011


Will respond to nothing but Jeffery!!!!
If found please stab him in the chest with an adrenaline needle!!!
Call info:
Aaron Green (949) 303-9099

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sara Bareilles Music Video Uncharted

Th following link leads to a music video for Sara Bareilles. It is one of the most amazing music videos EVER!!! This song always makes me happy and puts a smile on my face. I love her as a singer and her music videos are always original and inventive. This link takes you directly to her website on  the music videos page and after Uncharted  is over you can watch all of her other awesome videos such as King of Anything.  :)


Robert  Ebert gave an okay review to Zombieland. He didn't think it was anything to special or great whereas I thought it was one of the best movies of all time. I felt it had a good story line and gave enough background information on the characters that you really got to bond with them and didn't want anything bad to happen to them. Usually I am very wary of anything having to do with zombies, blood, gore, and most horror altogether. My best friend convinced me to watch it and ever since I have been hooked. It isn't like the general horror zombie movies, it brings something different to the table and instead of scaring the pants off of you it actual makes you laugh and puts a smile on your face. Don't get me wrong though some parts I will admit did freak me out to the point I put my head under my blanket but other than that it was pure laughs the whole time.

Friday, April 8, 2011

My 5 Year Plan

My 5 year plan would go something like this: for the year after graduation I would go to O.C.C. and join their culinary program for the first year of my college experience. After that I would hope to transfer to The Culinary Institute of America located in St. Helena, CA. That has always been my dream school, although the location is not the one I would have picked originally for myself.

For the next 2 years I would hope to attend that school and hopefully graduate within the next 2 years. After I graduated I would hope to travel around the world and learn many different new kinds of cooking styles and meet some interesting people. The two places i would most hope to visit would be Italy and France because they have some of the most interesting, skilled, and different cuisine in the world.

I would hope to one day eventually work in a high class restaurant as an executive sous chef or as a higher position one day.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Dream School

If I could go to any school in the entire world I would go to The Culinary Institute of America located in Hyde Park,NY. It has one of the most beautiful and regal campuses I have ever seen. I have a deep passion for cooking and the best place I could go to learn the skills I need to excel in this business I could learn there. Ever since I was little I have wanted to live in New York so with this school I can accomplish my goal of going to culinary school and also living there.
My biggest idol in the culinary world is chef Cat Cora because she is such an inspiration seeing as she is the only female chef to ever be on Iron Chef America. She is an alumni from CIA and one day I hope to follow in her footsteps and become a graduate and hopefully one day and influential member of the culinary world.

          The Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park.NY.

Chef Cat Cora who is an alumni from The Culinary Institute of America.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Favorite Food

My Favorite food is pie. I love all different kinds of pie. Pie is a delicious pasty treat generally filled with fruits, but it can also be filled with all different kinds of deliciousness. I could eat pie every day of my life because it makes me happy. Everyone who has never had a slice of pie needs to go out and buy a slice because it is a slice of heaven in your mouth. No matter any different kinds of food you like you can find a type of pie that you will enjoy and put a smile on your face. My favorite kind of pie is pumpkin because it is creamy and delicious and makes a party in my tummy. My parents and the rest of my family love lemon pie though and make it for every holiday so that certain kind of pie holds very near and dear memories for me.

Monday, March 28, 2011

About Me

I like pancakes but my favorite food is pie!!!! I love reading on my free time. I am super crazy and fun to be around because I can always make you laugh and put a smile on your face. I'm really hyper and loopy most of the time and when its raining I love to go outside and just play and dance in it. I've never touched snow and never been to the beach even though I am almost 18. I love my friends and am super loyal to anyone I care about. I will give anyone a chance. If you want to get to know me or just want to talk just DO IT!!!!