Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Favorite Food

My Favorite food is pie. I love all different kinds of pie. Pie is a delicious pasty treat generally filled with fruits, but it can also be filled with all different kinds of deliciousness. I could eat pie every day of my life because it makes me happy. Everyone who has never had a slice of pie needs to go out and buy a slice because it is a slice of heaven in your mouth. No matter any different kinds of food you like you can find a type of pie that you will enjoy and put a smile on your face. My favorite kind of pie is pumpkin because it is creamy and delicious and makes a party in my tummy. My parents and the rest of my family love lemon pie though and make it for every holiday so that certain kind of pie holds very near and dear memories for me.

Monday, March 28, 2011

About Me

I like pancakes but my favorite food is pie!!!! I love reading on my free time. I am super crazy and fun to be around because I can always make you laugh and put a smile on your face. I'm really hyper and loopy most of the time and when its raining I love to go outside and just play and dance in it. I've never touched snow and never been to the beach even though I am almost 18. I love my friends and am super loyal to anyone I care about. I will give anyone a chance. If you want to get to know me or just want to talk just DO IT!!!!